Professor emeritus of materials science and engineering at Stanford University
“What consciousness does is to manipulate information in the form of at least numbers, alphabet letters and most generally symbols.” Dr. William A Tiller, Some Sciences Adventures with Real Magic
Allowing psychology (the "Soul’s vocabulary”) to satiate your hunger for LOVE.
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” TS Eliot
Mercury REDROgrade - Table of Contents
1.The GOD DNA 2.The angelic Family 3.The chilD’s Family 4.The victiM’s Family 5.The saboteuR’s Family 6.The prostitutE’s FAMILY
Ending with my Cards on the Tables P121
The end of (my) eXPloRing is to feel so much light and gratitude that I bless life by just being. Such beautiful mind is where “I” started – in the innocence of Aleph the Fool, who doesn’t take anything personally, and just marvels at how generous LOVE is.