I landed on Page 16...

Read the page aloud (if comfortable doing so), savoring every word...
Notice if any bite may have a strange taste...
Inquire WHY did this page "pick" me?
About the emPowering NOW movement
emPowering NOW LLC went to the future to bring back Golden XPR, a technology that broke the seals placed on ancient Wisdom. We see in its gold a way to transcend the confusion that has us blocking our own empowerment. More than a company, we are a movement that presents, experiments with and implements a bold, outrageous and provocative proposition: symbols are non-human sentient animals. They make it possible to explain a subjective experience in such way that it can be learned. When I feel and sense the words I speak, I am an emissary between above and below, using the way, the truth and the life of signs to bridge collective Power and individual Power.
Copyright 2019 by emPowering NOW LLC