Coming soon…
“Young Stephen Hawking meets Jane, his wife-to-be, and introduces himself as a cosmologist. “What’s cosmology?” she asks. He answers: “the religion for intelligent atheists.” “What do cosmologists worship?” she persists. “A single unifying equation that explains everything in the universe.” A Theory of Everything – the movie
“We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.” Niels Bohr
I am nothing like I expected, if only because I was born as a girl! The next surprise occurred when I first meet the genius (and daemon) that expresses itself through me and taught the 3-year-old in me how to read and write. My uncanny gift in languages gave me much pleasure, each new word being like a mini-book that opened up real programs for me to explore countless universes. But it also split me from the world. Because of it, I lived my entire life in social distancing. I grew up with no siblings, no friends, no pets, and no real relating with my family. I just had words for confidents. It was heartbreaking for me to be at once so tangibly approached by the divine, and so reluctant to accept a call that would equate to being alone for the rest of my life.
Time passed. I changed continents. I learned English. I started painting. I continued writing. Books followed books. I remember a pivotal moment when I was invited to hear the teachings of a Rinpoche. The Buddhist Way of which he spoke was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop crying. I was torn between the very real desire to follow the Buddhist teachings and the sense that, if I did, I would betray my heritage. The Teacher of Truth offered: “then it becomes your work to bring health to your tradition.” His words acted as a powerful reminder of the calling I had heard as a child:
WANTED: a symbologist to decode the Soul of the Torah (the Five Books of Moses in their original version), and reveal that Hebrew is a metalanguage – a language beyond all languages vibrating as the frequency of “enough.” Your job is first to enter in resonance with it, and then use it to light a path that restores health in ALL levels of communication by allowing the use of wholesome Power.
JOB REQUIREMENTS: you are a child at “heART” but also resilient enough to withstand extreme depths of ecstasy and agony. You can transmute these feelings into an expression so pure that it spontaneously combusts into the wisdom of practicality. You are willing to see your ambitions tamed by dismal failure until you learned that it’s not about you. You are born female, encrypted with a Jewish matrilinear DNA directly linked to Africa, the cradle of civilization. Henceforth, you are passionate about languages and well-traveled. You must suffer from an advanced polarity disorder, and be so “seriously” disembodied that your life will depend on your finding an authentic healing device.
I had all these “Powers.” What I didn’t have was a choice.
In times of great resistance, “the Universe” would send angels (aren’t we all?) to help me ground this mission impossible. Michael Wolf may just be the greatest of all my angels, a being extraordinary enough to dare being ordinary, someone whose name asks the ultimate question (Michael in Hebrew means “who is like God?”). He is also my brother, since, just like me, he made it his work to evolve his heritage – Christianity – to the holistic level it has when it honors Judaism as its mother and father while also vibrating with a frequency that resonates with Buddha, Sangha and Dharma.
“What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely.” Christopher Reeve
My name is Michael Wolf. I am the CEO and co-founder of emPowering NOW LLC.
Servant leadership has always been very real for me, even as a teenager when my hobbies included self-development and public speaking. As far as I can remember, I was looking for practical solutions to help my peers. But although I didn’t know it at the time, there would be a day when I had to find a way to be at peace with myself and feel that I was enough. It was my mandate. I would be called to see the link: without the sense of enough, no peace. Without peace, no wholesome Power. Without wholesome Power, no global transformation or sustainability… Bummer!
My passion is and always was in communication and business. In high school, I was known to enjoy engaging in debates, and doing a fair job at it. I then chose to study Business Administration in Marketing, resulting in a Bachelors degree in this field from Texas A&M University. In my adult life, I garnered 30 years of business experience working at some of the world’s largest and most innovative technology companies including Xerox, PTC, Vignette and most recently, IBM Security.
And then a life change came in the form of a near death experience. The event was unforgettable. The question then became: how could I share this precious knowing of oneness with the world? But first, I had to sustain it.
I went through the ups and downs of the “dark night of the soul,” a divorce, challenges in parenting the very children I wanted so badly to love and support. I read a ton of spiritual books, studied cross-cultural religions, dived into energy medicine. While working with different healers, I kept on hearing “healer, heal thyself!” The advice was even more so potent when I found myself penniless and in debt. Clearly, something else was needed. As an act of faith, I wrote a business plan for emPowering NOW LLC. To succeed, the business vision required a rock-solid curriculum that could assist in leading anyone who sincerely wanted it to walking in the Eternal Now.
This is when I met Maha. She was looking for a partner who could join her in bringing forth a project of global scope, someone who was educated in business, information technologies and healing modalities. I was looking for Maha’s lifework – to receive the body of material that would become known as Golden XPR – a global path to transition from greed into grace, and sustain the sense of enough.
I eventually realized that Maha’s lifework came with Maha, a being so annoyingly and surprisingly accurate in her expression and so diametrically opposed to me in every way that the relating could only be “PAIRfectly” surreal.
“Feeling the rage and staying in the fire with M to fulfill this mission impossible was THE most surreal and sacred adventure imaginable. Surprisingly, ending the war of sexes was the beginning of wisdom!” Maha & Michael, a.k.a. M&M
Once upon a time, man was programmed to get a job, marry and have kids. To fulfill his goal, he needed a woman (or two) to impregnate. Luckily, those were for sale. The specimens that were pretty and had good hips were more expensive. This is how “everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about Power.” Oscar Wilde’s words were wild enough to convey that sex is not about gender and not even about intercourse. It is about whether or not I am among the haves, those in Power.
Then came the atomic age, and with it, uncertainty about how to achieve nuclear disarmament. But what justified my need to get armed? I arrived at the uninvestigated assumption that the female-like darkness is evil. The war of sexes came from “seeing that the light was male-like and good, and dividing it from the female-like darkness.” This is the code that M&M swore to unfold, using each other’s angst to do so.
While we deeply enjoy each other’s company, we also notice that the “relationship” crumbles if we can’t be emotionally intimate. What if we could feel the rage of being “managed” by the other? Would doing so reverse the deep-seated hatred of two antiquated models (matriarchy vs. patriarchy), and avoid a nuclear catastrophe whose root cause is bound to be found in the perception of unrequited love?
The problem seems to originate at the level of the throat – the decision-making center. This center is currently cursed by the dysfunctional marriage of Power to kindness:
When in love, the other M is beautiful. When in hate, the same M turns ugly! Strangely, the blueprint to authentic relating was waiting in the Torah, giving essential clues on how to heal the throat center and come to “the Love That Has No Opposite.” Eventually, the truth behind the ancient archetypal union of Power to Kindness was soon to reveal itself as the cornerstone of TCO’s inquiry, which is how to choose Peace when in between a rock and a hard place. If choosing Peace is fundamental to any sound decision-making, what understanding might I be missing to allow myself to sustain Peace? An affair to continue…
Understand → Choose Peace → emPower the NOW
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