the Way of a Seeker

Do I wish to make a difference?

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."  Matthew 7:7

The core challenge of being a seeker:

to persevere to the end...

the Mastery of a Seeker

Truth & Honesty

Amazing grace: I once was lost and now I am found. But what did I find? It may be difficult for me to accept that I am still resisting hearing and seeing the Truth. Here is how… Experiments in quantum physics have shown that what is being observed in nature depends on choices made by the observer. This is to say: what is being found in life depends on the choices made by the seeker. Thus the importance of questioning WHY I would choose, consciously or not, to find myself in my current life experience. Answering this question honestly may just lead me to a very different treasure…

Decision & Deliberation

I decided to go for it, and stretch to the mythical kingdom of my soul – the place where I find myself at Peace, and satisfied with my actions. This decision may just be THE decision of a lifetime. I still owe it to myself to come to certainty: did I decide to step on the path of Self-knowledge to please another, to emulate a friend or reassure a family member? Alternatively, does my decision aim at defying and/or alienating another? To stand a chance to come to the end, I must be deliberate and conscious, deciding what I decide simply because it is what I decide.

Failures & Falls

Being a seeker is not for the faint of heart, as it will lead me to travel through the dark night of the Soul. This is a “place” where I keep on failing, no matter what I seem to do. Failing and falling sound a lot like each other and feel like each other. I find myself asking: “how long, O LORD? Will you forsake me forever?” And yet, it is in this place of mirrors and shadows that something very real and precious begins to emerge in me: the ability to endure, and the willingness to let go of outcomes. Coming out into the light is just that: knowing that I won’t quit and loving what is every step of the way. 

Secrets & Motivations

I am living in an amazing time... I have at my fingertips a technology that exemplifies what light communication is (I needed a smartphone to realize that light does travel in codes). And here is a curious “as within, so without” phenomenon: as the seals placed on ancient prophecies are being broken, I am beginning to realize that it is my secrets that make me sick! Will I have the courage to question my motivations until I can come to the END of dissatisfaction? Indeed, WHY do I think I can’t…

To know myself, I read all the spiritual books I could find. I traveled the world. I attended life-changing workshops. I became a vegan. And I’m still looking… 

On the door was a sign...

The Cosmic Door 

Today, I arrived at a door and on the door was a sign: this is XPR – the house where “God” lives. 

Thus far I have been a mystic, on a journey, without destination or real engagement: I could always choose to go back! But with XPR, I’m in great danger: at any time, I could stumble on a code so disturbingly real that I’d surrender, and hover inside the sea of my emotions to really feel and understand their message. That’d be the END; no more warring! Realizing that I am who creates it ALL, I would see “God” face-to-face… I’d be loving, laughing, alive! But that thought; it terrifies me!

Understand. Choose Peace. empower the now

Understanding is to feel the order inherent to chaos. This felt sense is helped by an inquiry that is universal, credible, and radical, as it is sourced in sacred geometry – the “Earth measurer.” Choosing Peace is the step beyond Understanding. It is the ability to foresee the consequences of my words and actions. emPowering the NOW is the active listening that answers “ROGER that” to the heart (Received Order Given), and the compassion that does what it takes to heal. Expecting different Results is no longer insanity. It is Wisdom.

Words of Power


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu


Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

Henry David Thoreau

Join us in
emPowering the NOW

More than a company, we are a movement that presents, implements and experiments with a bold, outrageous and provocative proposition: symbols are non-biological sentient animals. They can help us remove the veto we placed on the Soul, so that we can restore the capacity to feel and sense. This capacity is sentience, or how that which understands has an understanding of “God”, that is, of reality.

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WHY the whys power?

BECAUSE the WHYS can explain to me the purpose of my doing harm in a way that I can feel it.

WHY Going Global?

BECAUSE community makes good common sense, since living independently from existence can’t be done! 

WHY engaging?

BECAUSE engaging is when I clarify the nature of my intentions. Saying this has me smile as it brings to mind: “young man, what is the nature of your intentions concerning my daughter?”

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