This is the occasion to spend a wonderful moment with one of the co-founders of emPowering NOW – Maha and Michael, who are passionate about sharing Golden XPR. It is also the possibility to evaluate, feel and sense how precise XPR is in revealing the blind spot where unconscious limiting beliefs are in hiding.
Before taking a Guided Tour, you are invited to connect with us at a meet & greet. To schedule | click here.
The Guided Tour session is an invitation to ground your calling (and communication) into a greater reality. The topics we will discuss include:
- Connecting with each other’s journey.
- Walking through and playing with our intro presentation “WHY is Power a Mystery?”
- Answering any questions you may have.
- Overviewing emPowering NOW offerings, as appropriate.
To schedule a full Guided Tour session ($100) | click here.
A video is forthcoming to explain the offerings available on the Path of Golden XPR.