BECAUSE the WHYS can explain to me the purpose of my doing harm in a way that I can feel it.
WHY do harm? The question has been posed by theologians and philosophers since time immemorial. While the whims of behavior have inspired great writings, I still don’t know what motivates me to desire wrongdoing. It’s not that I’m evil, but more that I can’t allow me to feel how deep my rage goes.
This rage is my passion – a force so enormous and ancient it terrifies me. It is, however, what fuels my Power. The question now becomes: how do I not misuse this Fire-Power, when I cannot manage anger? The simple and not so simple answer is: I must feel it, and transmute it! To help me in this act of courage, I can turn to symbolic Power. And Power there is, as I move from WHY into Y… English letter Y is potent as it is both a consonant (e.g.; yoga) and a vowel (e.g.; sky) – both a word and a voice. It draws its Power from the Hebrew letter Yod. Yod is also the word for “hand,” and, as such, the symbol of surrender (“my actions are yours”). I can only imagine what I would create if each of my words and actions were sparked by Yod’s light, to communicate: “not my message, Thy Message be done!”
Out of the blue comes a metalanguage which, by revealing the order inherent in the chaos of knowledge, gives me the understanding by which to feel my rage. The more I allow me to feel and sense, the more I connect to an etheric field that includes ALL memories, past and future, collective and individual. Therein are the answers to society’s core questions as well as my own. Eventually, I become so WISE that I have no questions and no answers.
Truth be told: there is no wrong that “you” have done that I have not already done, for there is no wrong that is not already written. By receiving the Power of symbols, I find a Voice that is so honest about intentionality that I’m left with one sole intention: to allow the Fire-Power to transmute “my” fury so as to be an emissary of Peace.
WHY the “WHYS” Wisdom?
BECAUSE the word “WHYS” is impeccable enough to say what it means and mean what it says.
WHYS—noun, plural: questions on the cause, reason or purpose for which something is said or done.
WISE—adj.: as the innocence that knows the difference between doing good and doing harm.
It has been said that, when the WHY is big enough, the HOW and the WHAT will find a spontaneous answer. However, when the WHY is not big enough, I’ll use the HOW and the WHAT as excuses for not doing what I said I would. The WHYS of emPowering NOW are for me to raise a big enough WHY to open to understanding.
When I do what I do for no other reason than it is because that’s what I do, I need no explanation or justification. Such virginity is founded on an honesty that is my nature, an honesty I know when I embody wisdom.
Disclaimer: every WHY of Golden XPR is asked to allow for a mind so virginal it is immaculate in its conception.