We are so happy…
Today is when our new book The Code of Opposites is officially published, and now available for sale as paperback or kindle eBook! It is also available for global distribution via bookstores and eBook providers serviced by Ingram Spark.
Should you be considering picking up a copy, it would mean the world to us if you would do so today (or sometime this week) as the sales volume right after launch will go a long way toward helping us gain visibility.
Our book launch also means that you’re now able to leave a review, even if you do not plan to purchase the book. This applies especially to all of our Advanced Readers (thank you, thank you!). Here is the process to do so:
- Log into your Amazon account | https://www.amazon.com/gp/sign-in.html
- Next, click the link to visit the TCO product page | here. (Once there, you can purchase the book and/or leave your review).
- To leave your review, scroll down towards the bottom of the product page until you see “Review this product”. Under that heading you will find a button which says “Write a customer review.” Click on the button to rate the book and say a few words about your experience with the material.
Thanks so much for helping us with this launch! We truly appreciate it.
Michael & Maha
PS. If you have not already done so, you are invited to download a free copy of Is TCO “write” for me? which features the newly received intro to The Code of Opposites.