A warm welcome to the many newcomers who have recently joined us through a shared interest in Is TCO “write” for me? Also, a whole lot of appreciation to the “old-timers,” many of you having been with us since our inception in 2008 and witnessed our many attempts at speaking the unspeakable: the long game, indeed!
On that note, please join us in our celebration! This coming August marks our 14-year anniversary. Yep, it’s been 14 years since Maha and I met and decided to partner in bringing forth the path of Golden XPR. Our joining forces has yielded all sorts of results, including and not limited to: an amazing friendship, a few committed “students-teachers,” the writing, editing and publishing the books of the path of Golden XPR (now introduced by TCO), the structuring of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School as a modern-day mystery school, and the arranging of a technology and business processes for the accompanying business model… Our motivation was and is to assist those of us who sincerely desire it to come into the sense of enough, and thus transition from greed to grace.
Ever since we began this adventure, Maha and I have known that we are the guinea pigs. Whether individually or as a team, our motivation was and is to fulfill our sincere desire to come into the sense of enough, and thereby, to transition from greed to grace. In our experience, to intelligently and compassionately offer this information to the world, we must have actually QKabbalah or “received” the teaching ourselves. If not, we’re simply hypocrites! In that sense, it has nothing to do with “you.” And yet, the question still remains, which is how we’re writing this newsletter to you… Could there be a universal path to the end of dissatisfaction? After all, there is just one story of pain: just like me, you have known sadness, loneliness and anger… Just like me, you bleed when pricked… As for the path being of global interest, it is paved with the psychological decoding of the Bible as THE best selling book ever and also, with the revelation that Hebrew is a metalanguage and, as such, belongs to all of humanity like music and mathematics do…
So yes, we celebrate our willingness to stay in the fire with each other, as it is both the willingness and the fire that made it clear that The Code of Opposites (TCO, for short) was to be written. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17 It is this perennial simplicity which nourishes our partnership and produces the profound and transformative fruits mentioned above.
As for you, do you have also have a calling, a project, a vision that wants to be born and seems to be regularly aborted by fear? Might you have a Nemesis – an adversary force that seems to want you to fail? Would you like a safe place to explore the shadow and understand as you inquire on the reason why this may be so? Indeed, this is our formula and the source of our strength: Understand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW.
Logistics and other free offers from our partners:
- Every Monday (7-8:30 PM CT): join us for the PaRaDiSE Circle Group class calendar with logistics: here
- Second Thursday of each month (7-8PM CT): join us for Ask and Ye Shall “QKabbalah” | calendar with logistics: here
- Free Non-Fiction e-books offers from our marketing partners:
PS. Whether you can participate in our events or not, you may always submit a question | here.