BECAUSE I never know the shape a creation will take until it is complete. In the meanwhile, my flexibility allows me to navigate through various realms of consciousness until I find what I didn’t know I was looking for…
While sign is Hebrew Vav, for the “nail, and” that connects above and below. Its value is 6. It is the One letter that is not in the Name Elohim, (the 5 black signs to the left). Elohim is the Power is the Power of Synchronicity, saying “let there be light” and seeing that there was light and that it was good!
#acim, #bible, #communication, #empoweringnow, #goldenxpr, #hebrew, #inspirationalquotes, #kabbalah, #language, #leadership, #lifecoaching, #mysteryschool, #mysticism, #qabalah, #qkabbalah, #religion, #shebrew, #spirituality, #visionary,