The “Will” of Time

Did you know that today is a Holy Day and, as such, a turning point? Yep, today is Candlemas – the day that all the Church’s candles for the year are blessed in commemoration of the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus. It is also believed that Candlemas is a Christianization of Imbolc, a pagan festival that announces the spring, as it is the day that is halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.  

No matter how hard I try (and I tried hard), I can’t do without religion because religion is an instinct. On that note, Carl Jung coined the mnemonic word CRASH to make the remembering of instincts easier: C stands for Creativity, R for Religion, A for Aggression, S for Sexuality and H for Hunger. And it makes me wonder… Why would I need to remember who I am?  

Religion is my Nature, which is to be Love. I forget it by attaching to the illusion of separation, when a part of me knows what to do and the other does not want to do it. This is how the WHEEL of time is also the WILL of time – just like it is in the movie Groundhog Day, which happens to be February 2nd. This self-defeating day that keeps on repeating reminds me of surrendering my will – the key to emPowering the NOW. Whether it is the time to break down or the time to build up, the question remains: will I do the next “write” thing and change my narrative? Today, the wheel says: six weeks ago, it was winter. In six weeks, it will be spring. What seed can you plant today in the soil of consciousness that would sprout into more wisdom and more Power for you?

On that note, did you have a chance to download your copy of Is TCO “write” for me? – the newly received intro to The Code of Opposites?

Until next week… For now, be well!

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